One of my major passions in life is ensuring that I really live to the fullest with the time that I have.
I’m just not happy unless I’m doing something that is either fun now or will ultimately lead me to something better. I’m always bothering Connor to come out and do something new like rock climbing or dancing and always have at least 3 new adventures that I want to go on someday. Seriously. I think that I’m a sensation-seeking personality with anxiety. It’s a weird mix.
I’m so passionate about this subject that one of the reasons I created this blog was to help others live to the fullest. I think that there is nothing sadder than looking back on years and realizing that they were wasted opportunities, especially when we live in such a great world and we all have so much potential to become amazing versions of ourselves–the versions of ourselves that God wants us to be.
For that reason, I’ve decided to start a new series on this blog. I’m calling it “The Becoming You Series” because these years we have when we’re in our twenties are the years that really dictate the kinds of people we will be the rest of our lives. These are generally the years we get our first “real” job, we find the person we will eventually marry, actually marry them, sometimes we have kids, we graduate from school, and we are independent for the first time. Not necessarily in that order.
So what better time is there to live life to the fullest than in our twenties?
This is the opportunity for you to become the person that you’ve always wanted to be. This is the time for you to take charge of your life and make sure it’s going in the right direction. This is the time that we really start to live out our values in our health, in our actions, in our faith, and in our relationships.
So every week Thursday for the next few weeks I’m going to be posting a new article tackling a different aspect of our lives. I’m going to be pretty honest with you and let you know what I’m dealing with, too, and what I have been working on. I want this to be a real authentic conversation about how we can all live our lives in a way that allows us to become the people who God created us to be–no less.
Here’s a summary of the series:
Week 1: Health
This week we’re talking about why this is the time to take control of our health and start a lifestyle that will enable us to actually use and enjoy our physical bodies instead of just sitting in a desk chair all of the time. I’m not talking about how to get a six-pack or how to lose weight, I want to talk about more long-lasting life changes that I’m trying to implement to ensure that I am treating my body with the respect it deserves.
Week 2: Finances
Finances kind of suck when you’re in your twenties, so this is the perfect time to get really good at them. We have to deal with student loans, measly paychecks, and way too expensive rent. I’ll be giving you lots of tips on how to start good routines when it comes to finances that will continue on to ensure that you are wise with money for years to come.
Week 3: Relationships
Relationships are such a huge part of life, and your twenties are generally when you make the biggest relationship choices of your life. I don’t just mean marriage, too, although obviously that is part of it. I’m talking about the kinds of people that you surround yourself with in your twenties and how they influence your decision-making. I want to talk friends, family, and love this week and discuss how to be more active in pursuing relationships.
Week 4: Character
When people say that they want to live to the fullest that usually doesn’t mean improving character, but I think it should. We’re very mouldable in our twenties for better or for worse, so why not try and make it for better? I want to share with you a few tips on how to notice opportunities for growth and not let them pass by. (This week is completely inspired by my utter lack of the virtue of patience.)
Week 5: Faith
As a Christian, I believe that faith is the most important part of life. One thing I’ve loved about being in my twenties is how many amazing opportunities there are to really make my faith my own, and how it really had stood true despite various pressures. I want to talk about how to have completely ownership of your faith and how to be spiritually independent in your walk with Christ.
I’m very excited for this series, and I hope you are, too! One thing I love about the millennial generation is that we are determined to live to the fullest, and won’t settle for second-best. Let’s not settle for second-best in ourselves, either.