Hey there!
Now that you’ve gotten a brief introduction, here’s some more info for you.
My name is Rebecca Lindenbach, and I’m a 21-year-old psychology graduate living in Ottawa. I’m hoping to eventually graduate with my PhD in Clinical Psychology so that I can work with children with behavioural conduct issues and their families.
I married my husband Connor, an amazing man I met my very first semester of school, on July 18, 2015. So yes, I’m a happy newlywed. So I apologize if you all hear way too much about him (#sorrynotsorry).
I started blogging when I was 10 years old, and my first blog was called “Becca The Great.” Pretty cute in a narcissistic kind of way. But I’ve always had a passion for writing and for helping people pursue their full potential. That’s why I went into psychology in the first place.
But how did Life as a Dare come about?
Life as a Dare started because I was sick and tired of seeing people take their lives for granted–myself included. I became this person who just lived to kill time. Watching Netflix, scrolling through various social media newsfeeds, or getting so deep into the weird part of YouTube that suddenly you look at the clock and it’s 7 hours later and you’ve done nothing with your day. I was sick and tired of it, and decided that it needed to stop.
So a while back, I challenged myself to learn how to live in the moment.
I want to find my true potential, to push my body to limits it has never reached before. I want to learn how to drink in the beauty of God’s creation, and to sit in his presence daily. I want to stop taking my brain for granted and to actually use it for once. You know, pick up a book instead of watching yet another re-run of Friends. I’m nowhere near the person I want to be yet, but I’m a lot closer than I was. Here are some of the things I’ve managed to achieve since changing my focus:
- Graduated from university with a great GPA
- Maintained a healthy relationship and got married to an amazing guy
without going all crazy wife on himwhile managing to be only a somewhat crazy wife. - Grew my blog to over 100,000+ pageviews a month over a year
- Landed a book deal with HarperCollins about teenage rebellion (read the post it’s based on here)
Of course, the things I have left to do is twice as long. Here are some of my bucket-list items:
- Actually finish the book I’ve been hired to write (deadline is WAY too close for comfort!)
- Write some killer ebooks (because you can never have too many projects going on)
- Become a proud dachshund owner
- Once, just once, actually finish all of the dishes before the next ones stack up.
- Actually finish any knitting project I start
- Have children and manage to successfully not screw them up
But I’m sure those won’t be too difficult.
So now I want to help you achieve your goals
This blog is my place to pass on the tips that I learn as I work to conquer my goals. I want to help you escape a life of passivity and to truly live instead of just watching life pass you by.
So join me as I live life as a dare. Challenge yourself, find your purpose, and pursue it with all your heart.
Let’s go!