Ever wondered what things make for a bad relationship?
I’ve been married for a grand total of almost-6 months today, which means I’m obviously a relationship expert and have all of the answers when it comes to dating and marriage (in case you didn’t get it: that was sarcasm). However, even though I don’t have all the answers—and even though this may sound a bit creepy—I have always been an avid people-observer. I’m in psychology, I can’t help it. I watch people’s behaviours, try to understand their personality, and often catch myself thinking about how their background or past experiences may be influencing what they’re doing now. It’s fascinating, really. People aren’t nearly as creative and unique as we’d all like to expect—we’re actually pretty predictable.
Unfortunately, what we’re not good at predicting is how our actions affect other people, especially those people that we’re in love with. Through my extreme interest in human behaviour, I’ve seen the same things happen again and again that pretty much always lead to an unstable or unhealthy relationship, and unfortunately I see it a lot among girls here at college. [Read more…]